An Evening of Reflections with Professor David Schmitz in Celebration of the Digitization of The Pioneer
A Lecture on “the Liberal Arts in Crisis in the 1970s: A Preview of Volume III of the History of Whitman College”
Join Penrose Library and the Office of Alumni Relations to celebrate the digitization of The Pioneer, Whitman’s student newspaper, and the updated of version of ARMINDA, our institutional repository. To commemorate this occasion Dr. David F. Schmitz, the Robert Allen Skotheim Chair of History, will present a lecture on the history of the college and lessons learned while conducting archival research. Professor Schmitz will discuss the problems that faced Whitman College (and all liberal arts colleges) in the mid-1970s.
A reception will immediately follow the lecture.
Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 p.m.
Penrose Library, Allen Reading Room
Professor Schmitz has taught history at Whitman since 1985 and celebrated his retirement from the classroom this past May. He is the author or editor of ten books, most recently "Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War: The End of the American Century." During his tenure he served his department, the college, and the Whitman community in numerous ways, including Chair of the Faculty and the most recent Presidential Search committee.