Submitting Your Honors Thesis
As we reach the finishing line for honors theses, the library wants to remind you of a few tips and tricks to ensure an easy submission:
Forms: Both the ARMINDA Submission Agreement and the Certificate of Approval (2nd page of thesis template) need to be signed by your advisor. The Submission Agreement needs to be signed by any co-authors, even if they are not getting honors. The Certificate of Approval needs to be printed on the archival paper, and needs your information, advisors name, and correct date filled in.
Printer: The only printer you can use in the library is the one marked 2nd_theses, between the front two public access computers near the WCTS desk. Your thesis should be printed one-sided.
Paper: Paper will be in the 2nd_theses printer starting Tuesday (5/8).
PDF/A: The submission needs to be a PDF/A (archival PDF). Don’t forget to verify your PDF is saved as a PDF/A, this can be done on the computers next to the Theses printer using Acrobat. Instructions here
Personal Bound Copies: Students desiring to have personal copies of theses bound at their expense can order copies for $18 each, including tax and shipping. There is no limit to the number of personal copies you may order. Provide one complete copy of your thesis for every personal bound copy ordered. Personal copies may be printed on any printer, without special paper requirement. To order bound copies, please fill out the online order form.
Feel free to stop by any librarian’s office on the main floor for help. We will be around until about 5 every day, including Wednesday (meaning don’t wait until 7:30 Wednesday night, it will be too late!).
(Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)