Whitman Undergraduate Conference 2018
The 20th Annual Whitman Undergraduate Conference will take place on April 10, 2018. Penrose Library and the Whitman College and Northwest Archives want to help students share their Undergraduate Conference research with the Whitman Community and beyond!
Sharing your research in ARMINDA, Whitman’s institutional repository, means that you have a link to your work that you can potentially provide to employers or graduate schools. Prospective Whitman students and prospective students in your major can see the kind of research that they too might want to do. You can choose to share with the world, or just with the Whitman community. Our distribution license is non-exclusive, so you keep your copyright and the right to share your research elsewhere as well.
Here are some examples of Undergraduate Conference projects we have collected in the last two years:
Nina Finley – How to Spend an Alaskan Solstice: Sea Star Wasting Disease and Environmental Education in the North
Lin Luo – Culture, Family and Feelings of Closeness
Philip Stefani – Critique of Jacob Hashimoto’s When Nothing Ends, Nothing Remains
Zoey Watts, Jamie Friedman, and Marianne Kellogg – #ImWithHer: Predictors of Support for Female Candidates
Andrea Berg – Care and Control in Civil Immigration Detention
Spencer Mueller – Games and Social Identity in Danish Cafes
Anneka Sonstroem, Mira Engel, and Trevor Press – Disgust Conditioning and Eye Tracking
Leda Zakarison – Mipsters, IllMuslims, and MAZA: Muslim Americans and Social Media
If you would like us to post your presentation slides, paper, or poster in ARMINDA, here is what to do:
- Tell your Faculty Sponsor that you'd like to share your research, and make sure that they also think that this is a good idea. Both you and your Faculty Sponsor will need to sign a permission and licensing form that tells us how you want us to share your research. Here is the form that you will both need to sign (the same form that we use for honors theses). Both of you will need to initial the form to either make the research available to everyone everywhere on the Internet, or to make the research available only to Whitman community members. If you or your Faculty Sponsor have other plans for publishing your research and would like to put a 2-year embargo on your files, you can indicate that on the form as well. We need signatures on the form from every student who contributed to the project, so if you have co-presenters, you will all need to agree on how to share your work.
- Fill out the online form here with information about yourself and your conference panel, and attach the file for your presentation, paper, or poster. (Click on the "Login with your Whitman account" link to sign in.) There is more information about how to format your materials here.
- Turn in the permission form signed and initialed by your Faculty Sponsor, yourself, and any other contributors to your project to Penrose Library 213 before Friday, April 20.